pandapig8 Filed Under: Labels: , , ,

Here at epic sites, we don't just bring you useless fun. We give you the best of the best because that's what you deserve. So we've decided to feature a site that made being epic possible to describe. Let Epic sites now introduce you to A cool talking flash site that compiles hundreds of taken for granted words into this wall like collage.

Scroll right over the words and hear them begging you to pick them. This is an effort of of an unknown organization to preserve the words and allow users to use it in everyday conversations. They're asking for pledges and not money and that simply rocks that you get to help without even spending. Fun and easy... that's what this site is... It's epic and that's why epic sites loves them. You don't have to do drastic changes to get noticed... just start with your vocabulary and you've helped the dying world of languages and you've made quite a mark. So if you hav the time... or just a hundred words to spare... contribute and have fun! :p

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